In Need of Help: An Urgent Call from a Distressed Daughter

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In a recent heartfelt post on the r/Islamabad subreddit, a user by the name of Puzzleheaded_Aide_88 shared a distressing situation involving her elderly American mother and a much younger man from Pakistan. For nearly a decade, this man, who is more than half the age of the mother, has been persistently asking her for money. The daughter describes her mother as a hardworking teacher who has suffered immensely, even becoming homeless multiple times, to support this man financially.


The relationship between the mother and the man has been exclusively online, with no physical meetings. Despite this, he continues to make promises of taking care of her once he gains U.S. citizenship. The daughter, deeply concerned for her mother's well-being, expressed her sorrow and disappointment, especially given that the man identifies as Muslim—a faith she holds in high regard for its teachings on respecting and caring for others.

The community on r/Islamabad has responded with a variety of suggestions and support. Some advised reaching out to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) of Pakistan, which deals with cybercrime and online fraud. Others suggested seeking legal advice or filing a complaint with the Pakistani consulate or embassy in the United States. There was also a recommendation to contact Trilogy Media, a YouTube channel known for exposing online scams, to bring more attention to the case.

Among the supportive comments, a few raised the important point of ensuring that the mother is of sound mind, as her consent and awareness are crucial in addressing the situation. One commenter, Little-Leopard-8510, emphasized that if the mother is not mentally sound, legal steps can be taken within the United States to prevent her from sending money, and evidence can be presented to Pakistani authorities.

The original poster (OP) acknowledged the community's advice and clarified that her mother is not of sound mental faculties, with proof of verbal and written abuse. She reiterated her respect for the Muslim faith and expressed hope for a solution that protects her mother from further harm.

This situation highlights the complex and often painful reality of online relationships and the potential for exploitation, especially when vulnerable individuals are involved. The outpouring of support and advice from the r/Islamabad community is a testament to the power of online communities in providing help and solidarity in times of need.

In need of help community of Islamabad!
byu/Puzzleheaded_Aide_88 inislamabad

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